Monday, October 25, 2010

i dunno... is it so wrong to be happy over my random small photography acheivements? or just my photography in general? i guess i'm realizing who my real friends are these days by seeing who sticks around as more opportunities present themselves to me, and who leaves and trash talks me behind my back because i'm happy. i honestly feel guilty for having "fans" on my photography page. i feel guilty when someone tells me that they love my photos, because someone will see it, and i almost feel stuck up for just thanking them. i feel guilty for being proud of myself, even for just a minute, because my old "friends" can't stand to hear about it, or see it. maybe i'll just stop.


Anni said...

do what you love! hater are just jealous!!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Oh no! your friends.....your REAL friends will be happy for your success. If the friends you have love you they will help you with this journey and not become jealous of you. Don't let anyone take your dreams away, those are yours to have and no one has a right to put you down for having them. I like that you are humble, but never feel like your being stuck up for thanking people, it's called being gracious. Which you are in every way, you have handled yourself considerably more maturely than half the other photographers that post their work on facebook. Never change Emma, let your art speak for you.