Saturday, September 22, 2012

i don't know if i'll ever forgive you
which is now kind of pathetic, i think
a man who thinks of no one
commands my heart on how much alcohol i should drink
tonight maybe i'll have three glasses
tomorrow maybe i'll smoke some bowls
all these things are medicine to me now
to help me forget the man without a soul
doesn't make a lot sense does it?
not many things these days truly do
it didn't make sense you claimed you loved me
like it didn't make sense i really loved you
so if you need me i'll be that bitter artist
the girl who can't learn to forget
if you need me i'll be long gone from here
the girl who's taking steps
every single one farther away from you
& with every step i still won't wish you well
maybe anger is my poison
but your pride will drag you to hell

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