Friday, August 06, 2010

something i'm not

the last thing i want is to come off as something i'm not. i hate that i come off as a mean person, and i hate that i don't have any idea WHY i do. i truly do not want anyone to think that i am mean or rude... i try so hard to be nice to everyone, and i always worry about the impression i give people when they first meet me and by what i say or do. i get so socially awkward and get social anxiety when i'm out in public or in large groups or crowds, i come off like i think i'm better than everyone else, but really i'm just scared of everyone else. i worry all the time about this. not about people "liking me" because i know some people don't... but about first impressions and people who don't know me personally, how they view me as a person. because like i said, the last thing i want is to come off as something i'm not.

small rant. blahh.

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